DELILAH STRICT: Female, 35-50 (Range: Mezzo Soprano Belt, G33-A5)
School Principal; icy and hard on the outside with a heart of gold. Should have good comic timing - think Carol Burnett or Bette Midler.
TOFFEE: Female, HS Senior (Range: Soprano Belt, F3-E5)
Good girl from the right side of the tracks. Hopelessly in love with Jonny. Sweet and funny - think Gidget or Sandra Dee.
CANDY: Female, HS Senior (Range: Mezzo Belt, F3-G5)
Nervous and hyper. Always chewing her nails. Think a young Marge Simpson. Can double as Mother's Voice, Secretary, Make-Up Lady.
COCO: Female, HS Senior (Range: Soprano Belt, F3-G5)
Coco isn't bad, she's just drawn that way. Think Jessica Rabbit with a dry wit. Can double Secretary (Sheila), Stage Manager.
GINGER: Female HS Senior (Range: Soprano Belt, F3-G5)
Class nerd, sweet and means well but she verges on annoying. Think Gilda Radner. Can double Secretary, Ramona Merengue.
JONNY WARNER: Male, HS Senior (Range: Rock Tenor, C3-C5)
Good kid from the wrong side of the tracks. Sincere and funny. Think Ross from "Friends."
JOEY: Male, HS Senior (Range: Tenor, E3-F4)
Class Jock. Big, handsome and dumb. Think "duh..." Can double Father's Voice, Copy Boy, Motorwise Gasoline Guy.
JOSH: Male, HS Senior (Range: Tenor, E3-Eb4)
The class geek. Aspiring journalist. Think Pee Wee Herman without the weird voice. Can double Announcer.
JAKE: Male, HS Senior (Range: Rock Tenor, E3-F4)
Probably voted the most popular. He's sweet and personable and is deeply in love with Candy. Think Richie from "Happy Days." Can double Copy Boy, Motorwise Gasoline Guy.
EDDIE FLAGRANTE: Male, 35-50 (Range: Baritone, D3-Ab4)
Newspaper Journalist; opportunistic tabloid reporter who roots for the underdog and "justice" in the end. Think Geraldo Rivera but with Kevin Klein's comic appeal.
Assorted Parents, Secretaries, Copy Boys, TV Floor Workers and Singers. (Covered from within the cast or can be assigned separately to expand the cast.)